



  • Merry Christmas / Merry Xmas! 聖誕節快樂!
  • Happy Holidays! 祝你佳節愉快!
  • Happy Hanukkah! 光明節快樂!(Hannukkah為猶太人在慶祝的光明節,時間和聖誕節很接近)
  • Happy Holly Days! 聖誕快樂!(Holly為冬青樹的意思,是和聖誕節有關的植物,本祝福語因諧音近holidays而流傳)
  • Happy Holly Jolly Days! 聖誕快樂!
  • Tis the Season To Be Jolly. 這是個歡樂的季節。(通常會放在卡片的封面)


  • Wishing you a Merry Christmas. 祝您聖誕快樂。
  • Merry Christmas with lots of love. 祝你聖誕快樂,送上滿滿的愛。
  • Wishing you a blessed Christmas and every happiness in the new year. 祝你聖誕快樂,幸福滿滿一整年。
  • May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. Merry Christmas! 願聖誕奇蹟讓你心中充滿溫暖和愛。聖誕快樂!
  • Wishing you joy, peace and good health this Holiday Season. 祝你在佳節期間能夠快樂、和平、健康。
  • Best wishes on this holiday season. 獻上最誠摯的節日祝福。


  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 聖誕快樂,新年快樂!
  • Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a joyous new year. 祝您佳節愉快,新年快樂。
  • Wishing you good health, happiness, and good cheer in the coming year. 祝你明年健康快樂,生活愉快。
  • Sending warm wishes of peace and happiness this holiday season and into the new year. 祝福你節日期間和明年都能享受滿滿和平跟快樂。
  • Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 願你在新的一年中能充滿快樂。
  • May the New Year bring you new opportunities and possibilities! 祝福你在新的一年能一切順遂!


  • Your love is the best Christmas gift for me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, sweetheart. 你的愛是我收到最棒的聖誕禮物。祝福我最愛的人聖誕快樂、新年快樂。
  • I feel blessed to have you in my life, sweetheart. All I want to spend today and the rest of my life with you. Merry Christmas. 我很高興能有你出現在我的人生當中。我想要永遠與你共度餘生,祝你聖誕節快樂。
  • You are the one who makes my life complete and perfect in every way. I love the way you love me and care for me. Wishing my love a happy Christmas. 你是那個使我人生完整且完美的人。我喜歡你愛我照顧我的方式,祝福我的愛人能有一個快樂的聖誕佳節。
  • Thank you for coming into my life. Thanks for making every moment worthwhile. Your love gives me the power to face anything in life. Merry Christmas my dear. 謝謝你成為我生活的一部分,謝謝你讓我的每一刻都如此特別。 你的愛讓我有用氣去面對人生每個挑戰。親愛的,祝你聖誕快樂。


  • Having parents like you is the best Christmas gift there ever could be. 有像你們這樣的父母是我一生收到最好的聖誕禮物。
  • There is nothing more special than family and good friends to brighten up the holidays. Merry Christmas. 沒有什麼比家人和朋友更能為節日增添光彩。祝你們聖誕快樂。


  • Merry Christmas my dear friend, may you feel the love this special day. 我親愛的朋友聖誕快樂,希望你能在這特別的日子感受到滿滿的愛。
  • Wishing you my friends all the special blessings of Christmas and the New Year. 祝我所有的朋友能在聖誕節和新年感受到滿滿的祝福。
  • Dear friend, I hope your Christmas is filled with love and your new year with joy. 親愛的朋友,祝福你的聖誕節能充滿愛且新年能充滿喜悅。


  • Happy Holidays to my co-worker! 祝我的同事佳節愉快。
  • Working with you is a pleasure in life. There is so much to learn from you so thank you for being the best co-worker. Merry Christmas to you! 和你一起工作是我人生一大快樂。與你共事我學到了很多東西,謝謝你總是那麼給力。祝你聖誕快樂!
  • Your support and companionship mean a lot to me. Thanks for everything. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 你的支持和友誼對我而言意義非凡。感謝你做的一切。祝你聖誕快樂,也祝你新年快樂!




  • 不想再孤身過聖誕節?五句約會相關英文助你脫魯
  • 10首必聽的「英文聖誕歌」千萬別錯過:有經典不敗、輕快流行、單身情歌、微醺耶誕…

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